I was told everything that my son would never do, but you believed in what was possible.

I was told everything that my son would never do, but you believed in what was possible.
My youngest son’s name is Grayson. He is nine years old, and he was born with a rare chromosome disorder known as Angelman syndrome. Grayson has seizures, he is nonverbal, and he does not have the ability to walk on his own. But thanks to your support, Grayson has been given the chance to experience a life full of possibilities.
When you read this, Grayson will have just completed his first weeks as a proud Grade Four student at James R. Henderson Public School. Thinking back to where we were just a few years ago, this accomplishment would have seemed impossible.
I remember looking down at the bubbly baby boy in my arms – just 18 months old – and hearing the doctor list off all the things that Grayson would never do: He will never call me “mommy”, he will never walk without equipment, he will never get married, he will never live an independent life. I can tell you, in that moment, it felt like the world was closing in on us; the future I had imagined for my child was gone – I couldn’t breathe.
“I now understand that equipment isn’t a limitation, equipment is a powerful tool that allows Grayson to thrive, at home and at school.”
I wish someone had told me then what I know now: nobody’s future is written for them. There are whole communities of compassionate, caring people who will never define Grayson by his limitations, but who will see him for everything that he is and everything that he can do. Sitting in the doctor’s office that day, I could never have imagined the possibilities that lay ahead, possibilities made real by the incredible support and generosity of people like you.
I was introduced to Easter Seals Ontario early in Grayson’s life. We had just learned that a small mesh bath chair we needed to bathe Grayson safely would cost us $1,200. My husband and I have always been proud of the life we provide for our family, but we quickly became overwhelmed as the list of expensive equipment grew longer and longer. Thankfully, someone handed me an Easter Seals equipment funding application.
It is difficult to put into words the feeling of relief that washed over us when our application was accepted. Learning that, not only was help on the way, but there was an entire Easter Seals community that understood my family’s new reality… that embraced us with open arms and believed in my son’s potential, it was life changing. It felt like I could finally breathe again.
The support that we have received from Easter Seals has been a lifeline for our family. Not only has it played a pivotal role in making our home life safer and more accessible for Grayson, but it has also helped to provide Grayson with the tools he needs to participate more fully in the world outside of our home, especially at school – Grayson’s happy place.
Your support will make a meaningful difference in the lives of children like Grayson.
When Grayson has the right equipment at school, he is not just sitting in the classroom, he is part of the class. Grayson can use his wheelchair to travel through the hallways, but then he can transfer to his walker to interact with his classmates more easily and take part in different activities, like circle time. Recently, thanks to the support from Easter Seals donors, we installed a communication device on Grayson’s wheelchair that has enabled a whole new level of participation.
With his communication device, Grayson has been able to take part in “topic of the week” discussions – going to the front of the classroom and sharing his presentation. He can even respond to questions from his classmates. And having this opportunity to present to his class, taking part just like every other kid, it means the world to Grayson.
When Grayson can join in, when he can do something as simple as read the attendance list at the start of the day, it doesn’t just affect Grayson, it affects the whole class – it changes how they see him.
I am so grateful to the incredible staff at James R. Henderson that do not mandate that kids like Grayson have to go into a special room. That Grayson has the choice to be in the same classroom as the rest of his peers, it helps to remove the stigma around asking questions. Children at a young age – they need to know why their friends are different, they need to be able to ask why their friend Grayson needs a wheelchair. And we are so fortunate to be at a school that allows for that safe space to have those conversations, so children are being educated on the importance of accessibility, and what that means for their friends like Grayson.
“The support that we have received from Easter Seals has been a lifeline for our family.”
At first, it was hard to swallow the idea that Grayson would need to rely on equipment for everything he does for the rest of his life. But now, watching my son grow and learn in his own way, using the tools and opportunities available to him to explore his world, my heart just swells with pride and joy, as well as gratitude for every individual who made this possible. I now understand that equipment isn’t a limitation, equipment is a powerful tool that allows Grayson to thrive, at home and at school.
And as we all prepare for a busy fall season, returning to school, work, and everything else that comes with this time of year, I want you to know that I am thinking about you. I am thinking about the kindness, compassion, and empathy that every single Easter Seals donor holds their heart for children like Grayson. Every day when I pull into the accessible parking spot at Grayson’s school, give him a kiss on the cheek and wave goodbye as his Educational Assistant takes him to class, I count my blessings and I thank you for believing that this life was possible for my son.
You can’t imagine how much it means to me, and to every other Easter Seals family, to know that you stand with us. Your support shows that you value each of our children and believe in their unique potential. Thank you for choosing to make a difference.
Linda Clouthier, Grayson’s Mom